Teens United!

Presented by Oasis Center

Oasis Center - International Teen Outreach Program (ITOP)

Oasis has implemented the Teen Outreach Program (TOP®) in Metro Schools for over 25 years. First developed by the Wyman Center in St. Louis, TOP is an evidence-based program focused on helping youth build three essential qualities—healthy behaviors, life skills, and a sense of purpose.

Due to Nashville’s increasing cultural diversity, we’ve adapted the TOP model at three schools to create ITOP (International Teen Outreach Program). Uniquely designed for New American youth, ITOP helps immigrant and refugee teens connect to our community so they feel a sense of belonging and confidence in who they are. Teens are encouraged to celebrate and share their cultural traditions while they explore new friendships and opportunities in their schools and neighborhoods.

During the school day, ITOP groups provide a supportive space to help teens navigate tricky topics: relationships, peer pressure, identity, and the needs of their community.

Equally important is what occurs out of school. Throughout the year, youth plan and lead an array of service-learning projects on the needs they identify, from urban gardening to teen driver safety.

Teens United!

An area just for teenagers as seen through the eyes of teenagers! This area is organized by the Oasis Center, and teens from our community display information reflective of their heritage and their current lifestyle.  Music and dance performances are ongoing throughout the day on the Teens United Stage.

Hello, Teens!

In the International Teen Outreach Program, the ITOP club, you have the power to make a real difference in our community while building friendships with other like-minded young people.

As a member of ITOP, here’s what you can expect:

  • Meet with your group a few days a week during school
  • Talk about things like relationships and peer pressure in a safe environment
  • Identify needs in our community and ways to make a difference
  • Create fun and meaningful service-learning projects
  • Participate in afterschool service projects
  • Develop a sense of purpose and lots of leadership and life skills

How do I join?

Oasis ITOP clubs are currently offered at Glencliff HS, Antioch High School, Margaret Allen Middle School, and Wright Middle Prep.

If you’re a student at one of those schools, ask your teachers about joining ITOP. You can also contact an Oasis staff member, or you call 615-327-4455 for more information.