Why Become a Celebrate Nashville Sponsor?
The Celebrate Nashville Cultural Festival is a free event that that is open to everyone and is dependent upon the generous support from corporations and community partnerships.
The Festival has been in existence for 27 years and is a beloved annual event. Investing in a corporate sponsorship with The Celebrate Nashville Cultural Festival isn’t just the right thing to do—it also makes smart business sense.
A sponsorship promotes a positive brand.
Supporting the Festival signals that your company believes in inclusion, equality, and fairness for all people.
A sponsorship increases
brand awareness.
brand awareness.
The Festival has a combined virtual and in-person attendance of over 120,000 people in Nashville, Tennessee, and World-Wide.
A sponsorship reaches an incredibly wide demographic.
Imagine the new demographics that the Festival will enable you to reach through one event.

Over 142,051 people
were engaged during
Celebrate Nashville
in-person, and
on six platforms!
in-person, and on six platforms!
Contact Cindy Polite to learn more about how your company or organization can become a sponsor at capolitte@celebratenashville.org.